Vasudeva Kutumba refers to the idea that the entire world is one big family, and that every living being is a part of that family. The term Vasudeva means "the all-pervading divine presence" and Kutumba means "family".
What to do:
To practice Vasudeva Kutumba, we should treat every living being with love and respect, regardless of their race, religion, or social status. We should see all living beings as our own family members and treat them accordingly.
The ultimate goal of Vasudeva Kutumba is to create a harmonious and peaceful world where everyone lives in harmony and respects each other.
Quotations of great sages:
"The whole world is one family" - Maha Upanishad.
"The universe is the manifestation of God; and every living being is an inseparable part of God." - Bhagavat Gita.
Quotations of modern great sages:
"The idea of Vasudeva Kutumba is more relevant today than ever before. We must recognize the unity of all living beings and work towards creating a peaceful and harmonious world." - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.
"We should learn to treat all living beings as our own family members. This is the essence of Vasudeva Kutumba." - Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev.
We can implement Vasudeva Kutumba by practicing kindness, compassion, and empathy towards all living beings. We should treat everyone with respect and avoid discrimination based on race, religion, or social status. We should also promote peace and harmony by resolving conflicts in a peaceful manner and working towards a common goal of creating a better world for everyone.
20 practical facts related to Vasudeva Kutumba
Acknowledge that all living beings are connected and part of one family.
Treat everyone with respect and kindness, regardless of their race, religion, or social status.
Avoid discrimination and prejudice.
Help those in need without any expectation of reward.
Practice compassion and empathy towards all living beings.
Promote peace and harmony by resolving conflicts in a peaceful manner.
Be open-minded and respectful of different opinions and beliefs.
Create a culture of inclusiveness and diversity.
Encourage dialogue and understanding between different groups.
Support and participate in activities that promote unity and brotherhood.
Work towards the betterment of society as a whole, not just for one's own benefit.
Practice non-violence and respect for all life.
Foster a sense of community and connectedness.
Show gratitude and appreciation for the gifts of life.
Practice forgiveness and let go of resentments.
Actively listen to others and seek to understand their perspectives.
Be mindful of our impact on the environment and work towards sustainability.
Educate ourselves and others about the importance of Vasudeva Kutumba.
Speak out against injustice and inequality.
Encourage others to join in the effort to create a more peaceful and harmonious world.
These practical facts can be implemented in daily life through small acts of kindness and compassion, through participation in community events, by promoting inclusivity and diversity, by practicing non-violence and respect for all life, and by actively working towards the betterment of society as a whole.