Ramana Maharshi, also known as Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi, was a renowned Indian sage and spiritual teacher who lived from December 30, 1879, to April 14, 1950. He is considered one of the most influential figures in modern-day spirituality, particularly in the context of Advaita Vedanta, a non-dualistic school of Hindu philosophy.
Importance in Modern-Day Spirituality: Ramana Maharshi's teachings have had a profound impact on modern spirituality for several reasons:
Self-Inquiry: His primary teaching was the method of "Self-Inquiry" (atma vichara). He encouraged seekers to investigate the nature of their own mind by asking, "Who am I?" and turning their attention inward to discover the true self or consciousness.
Non-Duality: Ramana emphasized the concept of non-duality (Advaita) - the idea that there is no fundamental separation between the individual soul (atman) and the universal consciousness (Brahman).
Silent Transmission: Even without speaking, Ramana Maharshi had the ability to transmit profound spiritual experiences to those who came into his presence, often leading to deep realizations in his disciples.
Self-Realization: Ramana taught that the ultimate goal of life is self-realization or understanding one's true nature, which is eternal and unchanging.
Ego Investigation: He encouraged seekers to scrutinize the ego or the "I"-thought, as it creates the illusion of a separate self and binds one to suffering.
Silence as a Teaching: Ramana often taught through silence, as he believed that the true teaching lies beyond words and concepts.
Abiding in the Heart: He suggested that seekers should abide in the spiritual heart, the core of their being, to realize the true self.
Self-Inquiry (Atma Vichara): Ramana Maharshi's primary teaching is self-inquiry, which involves investigating the nature of the self by asking the fundamental question, "Who am I?" This inquiry directs the seeker's attention inward, leading them to the source of the "I"-thought or ego. By questioning the nature of the self, one can transcend the ego's limited identification and discover their true, eternal nature beyond the mind.
The Nature of the Self: Ramana taught that the true self (atman) is not the individual personality, body, or mind. It is the unchanging, eternal, and pure consciousness that underlies all experiences. The self is not an object to be grasped by the mind but the subject that perceives all thoughts, emotions, and experiences.
Abiding in the Heart: He often advised seekers to turn their attention inward and abide in the "spiritual heart," which is not a physical location but the innermost core of one's being. By focusing on the heart center with devotion and sincerity, one can experience the presence of the true self and dissolve the ego's limitations.
Surrender to the Self or God: Ramana emphasized surrendering the ego to the higher power of the true self or the divine (Isvara). Surrender does not imply a defeatist attitude but rather letting go of the sense of personal doership and acknowledging the omnipresent power that guides all actions.
Non-Duality (Advaita): Central to Ramana's teachings is the concept of non-duality, which posits that there is no fundamental separation between the individual soul (atman) and the universal consciousness (Brahman). The apparent diversity and multiplicity in the world are illusions created by the mind, obscuring the underlying unity of all existence.
Silence as the Highest Teaching: Ramana often taught through silence, considering it the most potent form of instruction. He believed that words and concepts could only point to the truth, but the direct experience of silence transcends all limitations of language and intellect. In his presence, many seekers reported experiencing profound spiritual insights and transformations without any verbal exchange.
The Guru's Grace: Ramana Maharshi emphasized the importance of the guru's grace in the spiritual journey. He regarded the guru not as a mere physical teacher but as the inner Self, guiding the seeker towards self-realization. The true guru is said to be the presence of the Self within oneself, which becomes apparent through the process of self-inquiry.
Living in the Present Moment: Ramana stressed the significance of living in the present moment, as the mind's tendency to dwell in the past or worry about the future creates mental disturbances. By anchoring one's awareness in the present, the mind becomes still, allowing for the direct experience of the true self.
Disciples and Their Unique Experiences: Ramana Maharshi had numerous disciples who were deeply touched by his presence and teachings. Here are a few examples of their experiences:
Annamalai Swami: He was one of Ramana's closest disciples who spent many years with him. Annamalai Swami experienced a profound spiritual awakening in Ramana's presence and later became a revered teacher himself.
Papaji (H.W.L. Poonja): A prominent disciple of Ramana Maharshi, Papaji experienced a powerful spiritual awakening after spending just a few days with Ramana. He later became a respected teacher, and his own disciple, Mooji, is well-known in contemporary spirituality.
Muruganar: He was a Tamil poet and a close devotee of Ramana. Ramana encouraged Muruganar's poetic talents, and he composed many devotional songs about his experiences with the sage.
Major Chadwick (Sadhu Arunachala): A British devotee who came to Ramana in the 1930s, he experienced a profound shift in consciousness while meditating in Ramana's presence.
These are just a few examples, but Ramana Maharshi's influence extended to countless individuals from various backgrounds and nationalities. His teachings and spiritual presence continue to inspire and guide seekers on the path of self-realization in modern-day spirituality.