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Buddha's Inner Circle: An overview of His Son, Gurus, and Disciples

Writer's picture: Satya BabaSatya Baba

Son of Buddha (Rahula):

Rahula was the only son of Buddha, who he fathered before he renounced the world to become a monk. When Rahula was seven years old, Buddha returned to his home town and ordained him as a novice monk. Rahula was known for his wisdom and became an ardent follower of Buddha. His story teaches us about the impermanence of worldly relationships and the importance of renunciation.

Gurus of Buddha:

a) Alara Kalama:

Alara Kalama was Buddha's first spiritual teacher who taught him the art of meditation and the attainment of higher states of consciousness. Buddha studied under him for six years and achieved high levels of meditative states, but ultimately realized that it did not lead to the ultimate liberation from suffering.

b) Uddaka Ramaputta

Uddaka Ramaputta was another spiritual teacher of Buddha who taught him the art of meditation and the attainment of higher states of consciousness. Buddha studied under him for two years and achieved even higher levels of meditative states but again realized that it did not lead to the ultimate liberation from suffering.

Disciples of Buddha

a) Sariputta:

Sariputta was one of Buddha's closest disciples and known for his wisdom and analytical skills. He was the first monk to achieve enlightenment after Buddha and became a great teacher himself. His story teaches us about the importance of right understanding and the analytical approach in the path to liberation.

b) Moggallana:

Moggallana was another close disciple of Buddha, known for his supernatural powers and psychic abilities. He used his powers to spread the teachings of Buddha and was instrumental in converting many people to Buddhism. His story teaches us about the importance of using our talents and abilities for the betterment of society.

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